Industria: Potatoes in 2050: A vision for the future of the global potato industry
This article was written by Lukie Pieterse, Editor and Publisher of Potato News Today.
This article was written by Lukie Pieterse, Editor and Publisher of Potato News Today.
Hybrid breeding may lead to a revolution in potato farming, creating new varieties resistant to disease and drought.
The cultivation of potatoes by farms and industrial enterprises in Ukraine decreased by 36% in the first year of the full-scale war compared to pre-war levels, and the situation continues to worsen,,,
In-field, blight detection kits – which are genotype specific – could be available to Irish potato growers as early as next year.
Most potato growers will be familiar with potato late blight. This devastating disease affects potato production around the world. Yet, thanks to robust biosecurity measures, Australia has been able to keep out more aggressive strains of this disease
C’est connu le nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick est un leader dans la culture de la pomme de terre. Avec la météo clémente cet été, la récolte s’annonce bonne pour les producteurs de la région.
Potatoes South Africa on Thursday said there is no shortage of potatoes in the country and has also noted that “the reports of potato shortages and excessively high prices are over exaggerated and unlikely to materialise”.
[Contenu proposé par La Pomme de terre française] L’interprofession helvétique Swisspatat et l’Office fédéral de l’agriculture (Ofag) ont signé une convention d’objectif particulièrement ambitieuse pour réduire l’usage de fongicides sur pommes .